The Leone Crime Family Box Set Page 15
People screamed and began to run. The knife guy got trampled as people stomped on his body. I threw the second guy against the cabinet, but he wasn’t done yet. He shook his head then swiped at me, taking hard jabs at my face.
I dodged, caught one on my wrist, and turned his punch wide before moving in close. I brought my knee into his gut then jabbed him in the throat before smashing his face against the corner of the filing cabinet. He screamed as a tooth came loose, and he spit blood on the floor as he smashed down on top of his friend.
I stood there, breathing hard, head dizzy before I turned. Aida was crouched behind the desk, hands over her head.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
She nodded, opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
A second later, Steven and Biagio came crashing into the room, guns drawn. “What the fuck happened?” Steven barked.
I gestured at the mess. Two guys down, one dead in the hall. “Vlas,” I said.
Steven stared at the men. “They don’t look like his boys.”
“Hired muscle,” I said. “I’d bet anything.” I walked over to the first guy and flipped him over onto his back. I knelt down on his throat and made him gag. “Who do you work for?” I asked.
“Nobody,” he gasped. “Nobody. Paid by Vlas. Work for nobody.”
I released him then kicked him hard in the skull. Motherfucker. Rage rolled through my body as I turned and grabbed Aida, pulling her along as I shoved past Steven.
“Wait,” she said. “My dress.”
I stopped in the hall, standing in the knife guy’s blood. I turned her around, zipped her up, then pushed her forward. “Go with Biagio,” I grunted, motioning for my soldier. “Get back home right now.”
“Go,” I snapped at her.
Biagio moved past me, took her arm, and pulled her along. The club was emptying out, people spilling into the street. It was chaos, and anything could happen in this shit, but I didn’t think Vlas had more tricks to send at us.
Steven stood next to me, staring down at the dead man. “This is bad,” he said. “You can’t catch a case right now.”
“We’ll dispose of it.”
He sighed and rubbed his temples. “Vlas never uses outside muscle. What the fuck is this?”
“He’s playing to win,” I said. I looked at my lieutenant and frowned. “Don’t fucking say it.”
He grinned. “Why not? I don’t get to all that often.”
“Fine. Get it out of your system.”
“I told you not to come here tonight. Remember?”
I grunted and kicked at the dead guy. He didn’t move. Dead, for sure. I touched the wound on my side and my fingers came back bloody. “I need the doctor again,” I said. “More fucking stitches. And I need a new shirt.”
“We’ll deal with this guy first.” Steven shook his head. “Looks like some fucking local kid.”
Steven was right. The dead guy couldn’t have been older than his twenties at most. Probably some up-and-coming gangster that wasn’t affiliated with the Leone family. Kid probably thought he’d get some serious cash on top of some serious street cred if he and his boys could manage to kill me.
Fucking idiots.
“The other two need to come with us,” I said. “Get the rest of the guys in here now. We’ll take care of those other two and find a spot for these bodies. And we’ll compensate the club, make sure they keep their fucking mouths shut.”
“Fine. Better hurry though. Cops will be on their way soon.”
“Make the calls.”
Steven nodded and walked off with his phone to his ear. In minutes, more of our guys would flood this place, and we’d get the bodies out the back. I’d kill the other two, and toss all three into the Schuylkill River.
I stood over the dead kid and shook my head as rage flew through me.
I just wanted one night. One fucking night where I gave Aida a nice dress and took her out, showed her a good time, made her feel special. Things were going good, we danced, she sucked my cock like she was born for it, and soon I was going to take her back home and fuck her nice and slow. But Vlas had to be lurking around the corner, ready to ruin any measure of joy I could find in my otherwise broken and violent existence.
It was time to hit back and hit back hard. No more trying to send cute messages. No more fucking around.
I was going to kill Vlas for this, one way or the other.
I growled, bent over, and began to drag the dead guy toward the back door, leaving a long line of blood in our wake.
I couldn’t sleep that night. Biagio dropped me back at the house, made sure I got inside safe, then drove fast back to the city. I was left alone for the first time in a while, not a single guy left to guard me.
Some part of me wondered if I could run. But instead, I stripped off the dress, shoved it in the closet and pulled on comfortable clothes. I sat downstairs on the couch, ignoring some old Western movie, while drinking a big glass of wine.
Hours slipped past. By three in the morning, I was ready to go to bed and hoped that someone came soon. I was so afraid that Dante got hurt, or that they got arrested, or worse. I didn’t know what to think, and although I was tempted to call him or text him, I knew he was busy and couldn’t talk.
Just as I finished my glass of wine, the front door opened. I stood, fear slicing through me, as I wondered if it was the Russians coming to finish me off.
Instead, Dante walked into the room, looking pale and haggard. He had on a fresh shirt, but I could tell he was hurting.
I rushed to him, relief flooding me. He winced as I hugged him and I pulled back immediately. “Are you okay? What happened?”
He shook his head. “I’m exhausted,” he said. “Need a fucking bath.”
“A bath?” I blinked, surprised.
“Helps relax me after shit like this.” He gestured with his head. “Come on.”
I followed him down the hall and up the steps. He moved slow, like he was in pain. We reached the very top and went into his room. The master bathroom had a marble floor, marble vanity, and a large jacuzzi tub with a huge standing shower stall next to it. I figured the tub didn’t get used much, but he turned it on and sat down on the edge for a long moment.
I hesitated then knelt down in front of him.
He looked at me and his hand touched my cheek. “I’m sorry,” he said.
“For what?” I started to unbutton his shirt, gently and slowly.
“I put you in danger again. All because I felt bad.”
“That wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known.” I bit my lip and shook my head with a sigh. “Honestly, Dante. It wasn’t your fault.”
He looked away as I got his shirt open. I sucked in a little breath as I looked at the bandage on his side. He followed my gaze. “It’s not as bad as I thought,” he said. “Only a few stitches.”
“You’re a mess.”
“Yeah.” He laughed then winced. “I am. How about you?”
“Ears aren’t ringing this time.”
He nodded. “Good. Getting used to it.”
I smiled and ran my fingers down his chest. “Not sure if it’s a good thing to getting used to hearing gunshots, you know.”
“This isn’t what I wanted for you.” His voice was low and heavy with exhaustion. I helped him up and helped him get his belt off, his slacks off. He threw the clothes on the floor then took off his boxer briefs. I stared at his muscular body, at the tattoos on his skin, at his long, thick cock.
“What did you want then?”
“I don’t know,” he said with a sigh and stepped into the tub. He sank down and let the water fill in around him. I stared at his body and felt a thrill. I sat on the edge and ran my fingers through his hair. “I know what it means to be with a man like me.”
“I don’t think I do,” I said.
“It means danger. It’s exciting, it feels good, but it might
get you killed. You know it as well as I do. You’ve seen it twice now.”
“This just… it’s a bad time. It won’t always be like this, right?”
He smiled a little, his eyes on the water as it rose up around him. His bandage got wet, soaked through, but he didn’t seem to mind. I slowed the water down to a trickle, but didn’t turn it off.
“Maybe,” he said. “Depends. Leone Family hasn’t been at war for years, not seriously. But things change, and the Russians are getting stronger. If this doesn’t end soon, it might escalate into something more as the other Capos get involved. I don’t know what the Don’s thinking or where this will end.”
I nodded slowly and leaned on the ledge of the tub behind him. I ran my hands down his chest and he took them in his own. I kissed his hair and breathed his smell deep into my nose. “I don’t know what I want,” I admitted. “I don’t know if I want to run away or stay.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“But I had fun tonight. And I felt…” I trailed off.
“You looked perfect,” he said.
“I felt beautiful.”
“You should have.” He squeezed my hands. “That’s what I wanted for you.”
We sat in silence for a long moment. He closed his eyes and seemed to relax as my fingers pressed against the muscles on his chest. I kissed his cheek and he let out a low grunt.
“What happened? After I left.”
He didn’t open his eyes. “You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I do. I think… I think if I’m going to stay here, I have to know what I’m involved with.”
He let out a breath. “Killed the other two,” he said. “Threw all three into the river. Cops showed up, saw the blood, but had no bodies and no witnesses were talking. We’ll straighten that out. I bet the family’s lawyers are already descending.”
I dug my fingers into his chest. “You killed them?”
“Had to. Couldn’t let what they did stand. Just doesn’t work that way.”
I nodded once, biting back tears. I knew he was right, but it was horrible all the same.
“Yeah. Okay. Sure.”
He turned his head and looked into my eyes. “If you want to leave, I’ll give you money. I’ll have one of my guys drive you as far as you want, or we can book you on the first flight out. I can even get you fake documents if you want, send you abroad. You can start over, Aida.”
I leaned back, pulling my hands away. He didn’t move, just looked at me. I thought about that for a long moment and pictured what it would be like to have a new life. I could be whoever I wanted, choose my own name, make up my own backstory. I could be an entirely different person.
But I knew life didn’t work that way. No matter what, I’d be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life, wondering when Vlas would catch up with me, just to prove he could. I’d be living in fear, away from the city I knew and loved, away from the place I was meant to be.
“No,” I said. “That’s okay.”
“Think about it.” He looked back at the water.
I stood up and walked over to the clothes he’d thrown on the floor. I bent over, picked them up, and straightened them out. “I’ll have these dry cleaned,” I said.
“Thank you.”
I nodded, lingered at the door. His eyes flicked to mine, and he looked so tired. “Don’t fall asleep in there.”
“I won’t. Not sure I’ll sleep much tonight. But you should.”
“Yeah. I’ll try.”
He nodded then a smile slipped across his lips. “Little Aida. If you stay, I’m going to make you my wife. I hope you believe me by now.”
“I do,” I whispered.
“Good. Go sleep in your own bed tonight. You might as well enjoy a few nights to yourself. Soon, I’m going to keep you in mine.”
I stared at him, my pulse racing fast. He smirked and leaned his head back, and I saw the cocky, arrogant, powerful man return to him.
“Good night, Dante.”
“Good night, Aida.”
I left the bathroom and moved through his room. I glanced back once to find his head still resting back against the tub, the water trickling in around him. He looked beautiful, his shoulders and arms ripped, his face handsome and defined.
I turned and walked through the quiet house to my room and locked the door behind me.
I woke up early the next morning, my body aching all over. I could feel the stitches burning in my side and I felt like I got hit by a fucking truck. I managed to roll over and sit on the edge of my bed for a long moment, staring down at the floor.
I brought Aida into danger. I did something stupid and selfish, all because I wanted to show her a good time. I wanted to reward her for being good. I wanted to get her a beautiful dress, dance with her, let her know that life with me wouldn’t just be hiding out in a fucking house in the suburbs.
Instead, we nearly got killed. If those guys had been professionals or members of Vlas’s crew, they would’ve done the job. I got lucky, all because Vlas had to use some nobodies. That was the only way they’d get into my club, the only way they’d get close.
I grunted and got up. I brushed my teeth, showered, pulled on some sweats and a gray t-shirt. I was exhausted from dragging those bodies off and throwing them into the river, and all I wanted to do was sleep.
But I had work. I couldn’t disappear for a full day without problems, not when we were in the middle of a war.
I walked down the steps and hesitated as I moved down the hall. Aida’s door was still shut. I pressed my ear against it and felt the cool wood against the side of my face. I couldn’t hear anything, and I slowly turned the knob. It was unlocked and turned easily.
The door opened a crack. I looked inside and saw her body lying on the bed, partially covered with the sheets. She wore a pair of black panties and a white shirt. Her hair was spilled around her head and she was breathing deep and slow, still asleep.
I stared at the line of her leg, leading up to her firm ass, and saw just a hint of her pussy. I stepped into the room and shut the door behind me with a soft click.
She stirred as I walked to the end of the bed. I pulled the sheets off her, staring at her body. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I could see the outline of her breasts and nipples through the thin fabric.
My heart hammered in my chest. She moved again, let out a little groan, and her eyes blinked open. She frowned, looked at me, looked at the clock. “Dante?” she asked. “Is everything okay?”
I got onto the bed and kissed her thigh. She bit her lip and stared at me as I rolled her over onto her stomach and kissed up her thighs, up to her perfect ass. I took her panties and slowly pulled them down. Her hips lifted to let me slide them over, and I unwrapped her pussy like a present. She let out a little gasp as I left her panties around her knees and spread her ass wide.
I licked her top to bottom. I growled with pleasure and joy as I tasted her beautiful skin. Her groans filled my ears and my heart pounded a steady rhythm in my chest as I licked her faster, tongue sliding inside her then back out. She grabbed the pillow tight as I reached up along her back, my hands moving up her shirt, feeling her smooth skin.
I pulled my hands back and slapped her ass. She gasped and looked at me, almost angry, and I just smirked. I slid my fingers inside and she was already getting soaked. I moved them deep and curled them, fucking her and sliding them along the roof of her cunt. She wiggled her hips and let out a soft groan before I moved my fingers out and cupped her pussy, fingers spreading her until I could rub her clit in slow and soft circles.
Her groans made me so fucking hard I could barely breathe. I took my hand away and ripped off my shirt. “Dante,” she whispered.
I grabbed her hair and leaned over her. “Don’t talk,” I growled in her ear then spanked her ass hard. She gasped and I pushed her down into the pillows before leaning back and
taking off my sweatpants. I took them off, followed by my boxer briefs, and she just watched me. I saw her eyes widen as I knelt behind her again, stroking my stiff, thick cock.
She wiggled her hips and I grabbed her wrists, pinning them behind her back. She groaned as I spit in my hand and rubbed it along my cock. She stared at me, mouth hanging open, and I smirked as I pressed the tip of my cock against her waiting, wet pussy.
I slid inside her and let out a growl of pure pleasure.
My injuries faded away. All the bruises, the stiches, the pain receded as her tight pussy wrapped around my shaft. I slid in and out, letting her soaked spot slick around my cock. I grabbed her hair with my left hand, held her wrists pinned with my right, and I fucked her.
I took her, plain and simple. She was mine, her tight pussy mine, her perfect body mine. I was a mess of tangled nerves and anger but as soon as I filled her perfect little pussy to the brim and began to fuck her rough, I knew nothing mattered but Aida. I knew I fucked up the night before, but things would be different moving forward.
She’d be mine, my bride.
I fucked her harder. She gasped, moaning, taking my thick cock. She wiggled her hips and I continued to slam into her, filling her to the brim, making her tight cunt all mine with every rough stroke. She bucked back against me, sliding herself along my shaft, and I let out a growl as I released her wrists and spanked her ass.
She took me, every inch of me. I fucked her harder, feeling like an animal, feeling like a man. I grabbed her hips and made her gasp as my rough body moved against hers. I leaned forward and pulled her hair back, kissing her over her shoulder, letting her lean back and ride my shaft up and down, her gorgeous hips working in perfect circles, pleasure writhing through me in waves.
I pushed her off with a grunt and turned her around. Her eyes were fire and steel, and I shoved her down onto her back. I spread her legs, one hand on her throat, and filled her up to the brim again. She wrapped her legs around my hips and stared into my eyes.