The Leone Crime Family Box Set Page 22
“Dante—” Steven started then stopped himself. “Look, just be on your best behavior, okay?”
“Always am,” Dante said.
I sat in the back in silence and stared out the window as the city flashed past. The drive wasn’t long since the bakery was close by, and Steven parked out front in front of a yellow curb. I considered saying something, but didn’t bother.
These guys, they owned the city. A little yellow curb wouldn’t stop them from parking wherever the fuck they want.
I got out and followed them into the bakery. I breathed deep as the smell of fresh bread hit me. It looked just like it always did, and as soon as we stepped in, Dante began taking the chairs down.
Steven helped him, so I went around behind the counter and started prepping for the morning, moving almost on autopilot. It felt good opening the bakery again, and I hoped that I’d get to spend more time here once Vlas was caught and taken care of.
Sergio came out from the back a few minutes later and began filling up bread baskets. “You know, I retired from the fucking family,” he said to Dante. “I don’t recall agreeing to any fucking mafia meetings in my bakery.”
“So you want us to go somewhere else?” Dante asked.
Sergio hesitated and shook his head. “Fuck it.”
Dante laughed as Sergio disappeared into the back again. Steven made a coffee and sat in the far corner. We finished prepping for open just a couple minutes before the front door opened, and Don Leone himself stepped inside, followed by Roberto. The door swung shut behind the pair and Don Leone beamed around the room.
“Looks good in here,” he said.
“Don, thank you for coming,” Dante said. “Please, come, take a seat. Would you like something to eat? Aida makes some very good coffee.”
“Coffee would be nice,” Don Leone said. “Thank you, Aida, dear.”
I nodded and got to work on his espresso. Roberto walked over and sat down with Steven, who gave him a little nod and a salute. Roberto nodded back, took a spare newspaper from a nearby bench, and started reading it. The two men ignored each other and seemed to pretend like nothing else was happening.
I finished the coffee and brought it over to Don Leone as Dante sat down and settled himself. I sat down at the table next to theirs, but still close enough to be a part of the conversation.
“I have to admit,” Don Leone said, “I’m not used to seeing a Capo so many times in just a few days.”
“I know, Don,” Dante said. “But this is important.”
“I heard about what happened.” Don Leone frowned and bowed his head. “My deepest condolences. I know Gino was a good soldier.”
“And a good friend,” Dante said.
“Vlas went too far.” Don Leone sipped the coffee and seemed pleased. “He went much too far. I understand you hit him and killed his men, but you did it on fair ground at least. He attacked you in your home like a rat.”
“I agree, Don,” Dante said. “I’m asking your permission to find him and end him.”
Don Leone leaned back and seemed to consider it for a moment. “Let me ask you something, Dante,” Don Leone said. “If you had a son, and someone killed your son, would you ever let that go?”
Dante’s face tensed. “No, Don. I wouldn’t.”
“You would burn this city down to avenge your child, no?”
Dante nodded. “I would.”
“So let me ask you another question.” Don Leone leaned toward Dante. “Do you want Maksim to burn this city down? Because that’s what’ll happen if you kill his child.”
Dante took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “He deserves it,” he said.
“I don’t care,” Don Leone said. “You can’t kill Vlas Volkov.”
“But he—” Dante said then stopped himself. He clenched his hands into fists and put them on the table, leaning forward.
The pain on his face broke my heart. I knew he blamed himself for Gino’s death and I knew it was eating him up. He wanted nothing more than to ride out through the city, find Vlas, and kill the man slowly. I couldn’t blame him, because I felt the same way.
If it weren’t for me, Gino wouldn’t have been in that house. None of this would have happened at all. It was my fault just as much as it was Dante’s or anyone else’s. He didn’t need to suffer like this, but I knew there was nothing I could do to help him. He wouldn’t let me take the blame, even if I begged him, even if I genuinely convinced him that it really was my fault.
He’d protect me even from that.
Don Leone put his hand flat on the table, inches away from Dante’s. He leaned forward and spoke in a low, measured voice.
“Dante, you can’t kill Vlas,” Don Leone said. “But you can take everything from him.”
Dante looked up slowly, the pain slowly twisting into uncertainty.
“What are you saying?” Dante asked.
“Take all of this territory. Take all of his businesses, all of his money, all of his people and his drugs and his girls. Take Eastwick, every inch of it. Take Gray’s Ferry. Take it all, Dante, and let the city know that although Vlas Volkov may not be dead, he’s as good as worm food. Show the city that he’s worthless, Dante.”
Dante frowned and stared at the table top then slowly relaxed his hands. He sat back in his seat and appraised the Don before nodding his head. “All right,” he said. “I’ll take his money and his territory. And when I find him, I’ll bring him to you alive.”
“Good.” Don Leone smiled, and looked like a friendly old man. “Bring me that pathetic fuck. I’ll use him to leverage a deal out of his father. This is going to work out for us, Dante. I’m very happy you decided to come speak with me first.”
Dante bowed his head. “I am too, Don Leone.”
The Don slowly got to his feet. Roberto put down his newspaper and walked over, helping the Don along. Don Leone paused as he moved toward the door and looked back at me.
“This was your idea, wasn’t it?” he asked.
I frowned. “I, ah, it was— yes, Don. It was my idea.” I felt flustered but I didn’t want to lie to him.
His smile got even bigger. “Good. I knew you’d be worth his time. Keep making him better, Aida.” He turned and left the bakery without another word.
Dante sat there, staring at the door. Nobody spoke and the silence was thick with tension.
Then the back door opened and Sergio came out with a big, elaborate loaf of bread, multiple strands woven around each other.
“Ah, fuck,” he said. “Did I miss the Don already?”
Dante looked over and barked a laugh. The tension immediately left the room.
“What the hell is that?” Dante asked.
“It’s bread,” Sergio said.
“No shit it’s bread,” Dante said. “Was that a gift for the Don?”
Sergio glared at him. “Of course it was.”
“You could run out there and catch him,” Dante suggested.
“Fuck that,” Sergio said. “And fuck you too.” He walked over to the display case and threw the bread in there. “Fifty dollars for that fucking hunk of shit.” He turned and stormed off, throwing the doors open, and disappearing into the back.
Dante howled with laughter. I grinned at him and walked over. I sat down in his lap and he put his hands on my hips. I leaned down and kissed him softly on his rough lips.
“What do you think?” I asked. “Good enough?”
“It’ll have to be,” he said.
“When you’re done with him, Vlas might as well be dead,” I said.
He nodded slowly and reached up to grab my hair. I let out a little excited gasp as he pulled me down and kissed me again. “Damn right,” he whispered.
“All right, you two,” Steven said.
Dante let me go. I looked over as Steven lingered near the doorway.
“What’s your deal?” Dante asked.
“I’m going to go spread the word,” Steven said. “Let the guys know what the plan is.”
; Dante nodded. “Good. Tell them to find Vlas, but he has to be alive. No fuck-ups on that one, Vlas can’t die.”
“Fine,” Steven said.
“And tell them we’re taking Eastwick and Gray’s Ferry. Tell them to start making a list of all of Vlas’s businesses and all his associates. We’ll flip those that’ll come to us and kill those that won’t. If I can’t have Vlas’s blood, I’ll settle for the bottom-feeding fucks that worked with him.”
Steven nodded and gave Dante a very rare smile. “Works for me.”
“Get moving,” Dante said.
Steven saluted and left without a word. I snuggled close against Dante.
“Happy you listened?” I asked.
“Don’t press your luck.” He kissed my hair and held me close.
There was going to be a war. But it didn’t feel as terrifying as I thought it would.
Instead, I was excited.
I couldn’t wait for his guys to start moving on Vlas’s places. I couldn’t wait for the violence, the action, the excitement. I knew it was sick, knew it was coming from a dark place inside of me, but I didn’t care.
Sitting in Dante’s lap, I felt invincible, I felt alive.
That was all that mattered.
Steven picked me and Aida up early the next morning. I’d spent the whole day before meeting with my soldiers, laying out plans, and getting my pieces into position. I felt high from the excitement of it all, but that didn’t surprise me one bit.
What really shocked me was the way Aida stepped up.
I worried about her. I thought she might not be ready to go into full-on war mode. I couldn’t leave her behind, since it wasn’t safe, but I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to handle being in the room when we talked about murdering men and destroying buildings.
But instead of shying away, she embraced it.
The fucking girl took to it all like she’d been waiting for the chance. She spoke up a few times during the meeting, made some suggestions, asked some questions, and seemed like she actually wanted to learn the business. When we got back to my house later that night, she sucked my cock with a wild abandon I’d never seen before, and let me fuck her raw until she screamed my name and was drenched in sweat.
Now, she was practically glowing as we climbed into the back seat of the SUV. She wore a tight white lacy top that was cut low with thin straps and a bow in the front, right between her luscious tits. Her high-waisted jean shorts barely covered her ass. She borrowed the clothes from Biagio’s girlfriend, and I could tell Aida was going for a certain effect.
She wanted to draw attention to her body. I couldn’t blame her, the girl looked incredible, but it was the first time she’d really gone out of her way to put on an outfit that made her look like a sexpot, even though that’s how she always looked to me.
I didn’t need to ask about the clothes. I knew what she was doing, and the girl was fucking smart. She wanted to throw any men off their game when she came into the room, especially men I was meeting with. They’d be too busy staring at her tits and not paying enough attention to what I was doing. I took her hand and squeezed it as Steven turned around to look at the two of us.
He frowned. “I’m not your chauffer,” he said.
“Too bad,” I said. “Did you get confirmation on the meeting?”
He grunted and turned around. “He’ll be there.”
“Good. Let’s get moving then.” I squeezed Aida’s hand and she smiled at me, her teeth dazzling. I was tempted to pull her against me but I felt like a lovestruck fucking teenage boy.
I could barely recognize the woman she was turning into, but I fucking liked it.
“Who are we meeting with?” she asked.
Steven glanced in the rearview. “You didn’t tell her?” he asked.
“Not yet.” I looked at Aida and shifted toward her a bit. “We’re meeting with my contact inside the Jalisco.”
Her eyes went wide with surprise. “Didn’t the Don tell you to leave them alone?” she asked.
“He also told me to do what I had to do,” I said, although I was paraphrasing a bit. “This won’t get back to the Don and it won’t matter.”
“Dante,” she said, shaking her head. “You should be careful. I’m not sure this is a good idea.”
“He says he knows where Vlas is.” I spoke the words slowly, staring into her eyes, and I watched as her expression shifted from nervous uncertainty to something much different.
Hate and rage played across her face.
“How do you know?” she asked.
“We’ve been in touch with him since everything happened,” Steven said. “Just last night, he said the Jalisco had heard from Vlas, and they knew where he was hiding out.”
“Shit,” Aida said. “Why didn’t you tell me right away, Dante?”
I shrugged. “Wasn’t completely sure and I didn’t want to get your hopes up. We’re going to meet with our guy now and work out the details of how this will go down. I can’t say this will definitely pan out, but it’s our best lead so far.”
She nodded slowly and took a deep breath. Her breasts swelled up and down and I was almost fucking mesmerized. Her little distraction trick was going to backfire if I couldn’t get myself under control.
“All right,” she said. “This is good then. We don’t have to bring the Jalisco into this anymore though. Let’s just find out where Vlas is and move on, right?”
“That’s the plan,” Steven said, frowning.
I glanced at him and gave him a flat look then turned back to Aida. “You’re turning into a little mafia tactician, you realize that, right?”
She smiled and shrugged. “I’m here and I’m in this. I guess I decided I’m going to embrace the role.”
“Good for you,” I said. “I like it. Suits you.”
“You think so?” She laughed and tilted her head. “I just think you like my outfit today. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you staring.”
“I bet you have,” I said. “Don’t think I don’t know why you’re wearing it.”
“To distract easily distracted men like you,” she said.
“Okay, enough,” Steven said. “If I have to be your chauffer, at least don’t fucking flirt where I have to listen to it.”
I laughed and patted Steven’s shoulder. “Don’t be so glum,” I said. “We’ll find you some pussy when this is all over.”
“When this is all over, I plan on getting paid,” Steven said. “And my dick sucked. Not necessarily in that order.”
I leaned back and laughed. Aida rolled her eyes but she was smiling too. The car rolled through some side streets and came out onto Broad, the main artery down the center of the city. Steven took us up further, around city hall, and into the north of Philly, well away from our normal territory. He pulled down Fairmount Avenue, took that past the Eastern State Penitentiary, and parked along the street. Aida looked confused as we got out of the car and stepped onto the sidewalk.
“Why are we here?” she asked.
“This is where we’re meeting,” I said.
“Yeah, but why here?” She looked around and her frown got deeper. “Lots of tourists.”
“That’s exactly the point,” I said. “Neutral territory. The Leone Family doesn’t own this territory and neither do the Russians. Right now, I don’t think anyone runs these streets. The gangs control further up north, which means Fairmount is a sort of neutral buffer zone between the crime families and the gangs.”
“Huh,” Aida said. “I never knew that. I’ve lived here my whole life and I never even noticed that.”
“Easy to miss unless you’re in the world,” I said. “Now come on. Let’s not keep our friend waiting.”
Steven took point and we followed just behind him. The morning was crisp and cool with a bright sun and only a slight breeze. Fairmount was an up-and-coming neighborhood with some little corner mom and pop stores, some fancy hipster bars, and a few ubiquitous Ita
lian pizza places. Tourists wandered from the Penitentiary, which was an enormous stone prison that closed years ago and got mostly used for tours, down to the Art Museum which was only a few blocks away.
The trees were nice though looked like they were young and recently planted, and there was construction going on in most of the buildings. The neighborhoods north and south of Fairmount were mostly families, and the streets were quiet, clean, and safe. If it weren’t so far from all the action of the main center city and beyond, I could see myself living in Fairmount and being happy there.
Steven took us to a placed called Bishop’s Collar, a bar that was painted black all around the outside, with a black door and black window frames. He lingered for a moment by the front door then knocked a few times.
A young guy with a goatee answered and looked around. “Just you guys?” he asked.
“Just us, Mikey,” Steven said. “Open up.”
The young guy, Mikey, nodded. He was wearing a black chef’s outfit with the wide loose pants and button-down shirt. All he needed was the classic chef’s hat, but that was missing from the ensemble.
“Is he here yet?” I asked.
Mikey nodded. “Sitting at the bar. He came early.”
“Smart guy,” I said. “You mind bringing out something to eat?”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Mikey looked nervous, shifting from foot to foot. “Hey, Dante, you sure this is okay? No trouble, right? I heard things are going down and I’m just a little nervous, you know? This is a good job, I don’t want to lose it.”
I patted him on the shoulder and took a right. There was a small flight of stairs that descended into the bar area. Sitting on a stool in the very center was a short guy with light brown skin, dark black hair, and brown eyes. He wore jeans and a button-down black shirt. He stood and inclined his head as I approached him with Aida just behind me.
“Gerardo,” I said.
“Hello, Dante.” He had a thin face and a wiry build, and I could see tattoos on his wrists and hands, though none were visible on his neck or face. “Nice place you got here.”
“Not mine,” I said. “But the chef is a friend, so he hooks me up. Come on, sit down. You want a drink?”